Along with the rest of the business world, manufacturing is changing rapidly as a result of huge advances in technology. Leading to heightened efficiency, better operational intelligence, and improved workforce productivity in almost every industry. Remaining uninformed and unaware of the changes afoot will make it almost impossible for a company to compete. Jonathan Berte, Robovision’s CEO will explain why it is no longer a matter of ‘if’ to initiate an AI project, but of ‘when’.
Jonathan, co-founder and now CEO at Robovision, leads a team of over 40 Deep Learning enthusiasts. Our Robovision team developed a platform to apply AI, and more specifically Deep Learning, to visual data. This platform allows companies in all kinds of industries to apply deep learning to their own data, without the need to hire data scientists. It’s Robovision’s mission to make AI accessible for anyone.
Jonathan Berte, Robovision
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