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One of the 5G components, where not too much is said about, is the Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). However Edge Computing is a key component for 5G deployments for Enterprises. Edge computing is the best way to efficiently and quickly deal with all the collected data from IoT sensors. Edge computing in IoT devices means that the data is not in the cloud, but directly saved on the device itself and locally processes and analyzes this data.
Many use cases for 5G are advertised as IOT and video use cases. However have you ever thought where the information is going to and how you can use the data? And how that data is secured? Especially if it is business critical?
This presentation is going to discuss what is Mobile Edge Computing and what it can be used for as well how it is implemented in the (private) network. What are different use cases and how are they implemented.
Eric Kroon, Nokia
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