Tracealyzer provides an unprecedented level of insight into the run-time world of your embedded software system. Tracealyzer allows you to solve complex software problems in a fraction of the time otherwise needed, develop more robust designs to prevent future problems and find new ways of
improving your software performance.
When developing advanced multi-threaded software systems, a traditional debugger is often insufficient for understanding the behavior of the integrated system. Tracealyzer visualizes the run-time behavior through more than 30 innovative views that complement the debugger perspective. The views are interconnected in intuitive ways which makes them very powerful and easy to navigate.
Tracealyzer runs on Windows and Linux hosts and is available for target systems running Linux, Amazon FreeRTOS, Arm Keil RTX5, Micrium µC/OS-III, Wittenstein OpenRTOS and SafeRTOS, ThreadX, Wind River VxWorks, On Time RTOS-32, and Quadros RTXC.
Tracealyzer can work in both streaming and snapshot mode. Streaming mode allows for recording long sessions by transferring the data continuously to the host system, e.g., using a supported debug probe or a network connection. Streaming traces can span over hours, days or even weeks.
In snapshot mode, trace data is stored in a RAM buffer in the target system, from which a trace snapshot can be uploaded and viewed at any time. Snapshot traces are limited by the amount of RAM available for the trace buffer but can be used on essentially any system. In snapshot mode, Tracealyzer does not require special debug hardware and can therefore be used in deployed operation. Some customers even keep the recording active in their release builds, which gives them valuable post-mortem diagnostics.
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