To control a hydrogen powered, flying boat, a brain is needed inside. In the Hydro Motion Team we create this brain ourselves by designing and assembling our own PCBs and by writing the code for these PCBs ourselves. We have several PCBs with different functions. To safely work with the hydrogen aboard our boat, we created a hardware-wired schematic so we are always able to shut off our tanks, fuel cell, batteries and motor controller. Whenever we are sailing safely, however, we also have two different PCBs that control all the power and flows through our boat. We send the right commands to our fuel cell and motor controller, but also make sure that everything stays cooled and we always keep an eye on our many sensors. At last we also want to fly with our boat, for which we created an active height control system. This system uses actuators which are powered by our own PCB’s which take in height and orientation sensors to make sure that our boat always remains stable. Apart from these PCBs and their software, we also have to make sure that everything is connected in our boat, which is why we design our cable harness ourselves and we put all our electronics inside waterproof boxes with the right connectors. If you want to get to hear more in-depth about the hardware and software that drive our boat, make sure to join the opening and closing of the IHC!
Peer Kalk, Chief Electronics Hydromotion (Plenaire spreker)
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