Een bezoek aan het D&E event is voor embedded software engineers een echte must. Op de kennismarkt kan de bezoeker met elkaar en met de exposanten in discussie gaan om met nieuwe inzichten naar huis te gaan. Tijdens het programma komen veel specifieke onderwerpen aan bod zoals
Veilige embedded systemen bouwen
Het engineeren van systemen waar veiligheid een belangrijke rol speelt waren zeker in het verleden vele malen duurder dan systemen waarbij dit niet het geval is. Doordat steeds meer producten en apparaten met elkaar verbonden zijn, het gebruik van computer on modules, smarc en internet of things,
C-RUN – Runtime Analysis
What is C-RUN? C-RUN is a high-performance runtime analysis add-on product, fully integrated with IAR Embedded Workbench. C-RUN performs runtime analysis by monitoring application execution directly within the development environment. The tight integration with the toolchain improves development workflow and provides each developer with access to runtime
Revolutionary smart-meter software reduces hardware cost and development time
HCC Embedded today announced that it has developed an advanced file system, custom designed for the needs of smart-energy and smart-meter applications. HCC’s approach maximizes the life of flash, significantly reduces power consumption, and provides a deterministic ‘emergency write’ function, which reduces cost by allowing the on-board
SEGGER introduces emModbus, connecting industrial devices
SEGGER introduces the Modbus protocol stack emModbus. Modbus is an open, mature, and straight forward protocol designed to connect industrial devices. SEGGER’s implementation of the Modbus protocol enables communication with any other Modbus compliant device. emModbus supports communication via UART (ASCII, RTU) and Ethernet (Modbus/TCP and Modbus/UDP).
IAR Embedded Workbench strengthens development of new low-power ARM Cortex-M0+ core from STMicroelectronics
IAR Systems® announces support for the new ultra-low-power STM32L0 series based on ARM® Cortex®-M0+ from STMicroelectronics®. The support is available using IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM, recently enhanced with major new features including multicore debugging. The STM32L0 ultra-low-power series features a 32MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ processor core, a
SEGGER J-Link now suppors ARM DS-5 Development Studio
SEGGER’s J-Link, the most popular debug probe and de-facto industry-standard in the ARM world now also supports the ARM DS-5 Development Studio. DS-5 is a high-end IDE from ARM, mainly designed for developing on and debugging ARM’s high-performance Cortex-A and Cortex-R processors but debugging the popular Cortex-M