Wist u dat Eurocircuits’ meest gelezen BLOG in iets meer dan een jaar, meer dan 82.000 maal is geopend? Onze BLOG “Optimum PCB design flow” van vorig jaar Juni is nog steeds actueel en vormt ook deze editie van D&E de basis voor onze lezing om 13u45.
Design errors included pt.2
If only I had known! I would have ……. Does it sound familiar to hear your engineer or yourself say after the error was discovered: ”If only I had known! I would have …“ But let’s be honest, could he/she or you have known? And did either
Design errors, included? Pt.1
Is one engineer capable of coping with a variety of challenges and disciplines? Can an electronic design be made perfect, taking into account the complexity of constrains, legal demands and scattered production processes? To answer these questions we have to see how the designer’s world nowadays looks