In less than a decade, wireless connectivity, the Internet of Things (IoT), smart devices and apps have become the norm. Known as the ’third industrial revolution’ is gaining momentum and smart beacons are the next step in this journey, further changing the way we access information. In our latest white paper we look at how
De hotspots van Power Electronics ’17
Buiten was het warm gisteren. Dit was visueel te zien op de warmtebeeldafbeeldingen van Flir’s warmtebeeldcamera’s van onze test- en meet specialist Dirk. FHI, bezoekers en mede-exposanten bedankt voor jullie bijdrage aan het Power Electronics event! Wij hebben een leuke, inspirerende (en warme) dag gehad. Zo’n 45 personen hebben de presentatie bijgewoond van onze collega Dirk
Full, half and quarter brick converters
Cincon offers a complete range of full, half and quarter brick converters. The platform based design approach allows Acal BFi to offer modified standard and fast prototyping optimised to your specifications. If you require a higher level of integration, Acal BFi custom services can create Cincon brick based units and sub-assemblies including heat management, EMC
Isolated DC power in transportation industry
SynQor’s RailQor line of DC-DC converters is designed to provide isolated DC power in the transportation industry for such electronics as LED displays, audio amplifiers, safety monitors, lighting, and communications systems under the European Standard EN 50155. These converters use SynQor’s synchronous rectifier based technology to achieve extremely efficient industry leading performance. Due to the
NIEUW! FLIR’s warmtecamera voor het testen van elektronica
The ETS320 pairs FLIR’s advanced thermal imaging with an easy-to-assemble stand, for hands-free measurement of printed circuit boards and other small electronics. The Radiometric camera is sensitive enough to detect subtle temperature difference with an accuracy of ±3%, so product designers and test engineers can quickly identify potential points of failure. The 320 x 240
Because together we deliver the best electronics solutions……
Acal BFi Nederland en Keysight Technologies Nederland hadden één stand op de E&A omdat wij samen engineers helpen bij hun elektronica (meet) situaties. Bezoekers (en ook wij) vonden dit een goede keuze! Zie hieronder wat impressies van onze drie dagen op de E&A beurs. Op dit moment zijn onze productspecialisten contact aan het leggen met
Op stand van Acal BFi: mini multimode transceiver met een lengte van slechts 23mm!
Acal BFi ondersteunt en verkoopt onder andere een breed scala aan glasvezeloplossingen voor telecommunicatie, datacenters, hightech en industrie. Onze partner Coretek Opto Cooperation maakt vooral glasvezeltranceivers voor de industriële markt. Kenmerkend voor Coretek is de grote flexibiliteit met betrekking tot aanpassingen/customization en de zeer lange beschikbaarheid van hun producten. lengte van slechts 23 mm
Solving EMI problems late can be expensive
Keep it cool and keep it running When you discover an unexpected EMI problem late in your project life cycle it can be very expensive to fix. The cost to fix this early in the development phase can be easily managed with a solution from Acal BFi and MTC. If left undetected, the cost will
Need help selecting the right core? This Inductor Design Tool will assist you…..
Quick start guide for a magnetics inductor design tool To support design engineers in selecting the optimum powder core has Magnetics Inc designed software; the Inductor Design Tool. The software can help design engineers find the right material from MPP, High Flux, Kool Mμ®, XFlux™ and 75-Series, for Toroid and E-shape core designs. Using the
Download – complete (Soft) Magnetic Materials User Guide
When developing inductive components, matching your application requirements against more than a dozen material classes can be a daunting and challenging task. There is a huge variety of sub-classes, brands, grades and types available and, having gone through the lengthy selection process, standard solutions may not be an option for some applications: To help you