High Density D-Sub High density D-Sub connectors, for applications where the best possible contact density is required. Due to the “high” density of the 15, 26, 44, 62 and 78 contacts, this series is ideal for the most modern applications. The insulating body, a monoblock, complies with the UL94 V-0 standard. The contacts are machined
TOP-electronics and Apex Microtechnology ~ High Density, High Voltage Power Amplifier ICs
Apex Microtechnology ~ High Density, High Voltage Power Amplifier ICs High Density, High Voltage Power Amplifier ICs, 220 Volts, 10 Amps PEAK The PA164, PA165 are new, high density power amplifier ICs scheduled for release in mid-2017. Featuring a very small footprint, these ICs provide 1A (PA164) and 4A (PA165) output current continuously, and up
Miniatuur open frame high density voedingen voor de medische markt
Met het oog op het grote marktpotentieel dat de medische markt de komende jaren biedt en om aan de groeiende vraag voor goede standaard medische power supplies te voldoen breidt Mean Well haar RPS serie verder uit. Eerder kwam deze leverancier van voedingen en omvormers al met de miniatuur serie open frame, high density voedingen