A visit to CAM: What clipping means

A visit to CAM: What clipping means Door: Eurocircuits N.V.

A visit to CAM: What clipping means ???

There are many specific terms and processes in the world of PCB and PCBA. Today we explain one step in pre-production: clipping.

Most PCBs are provided with a placement print. This print shows, for example, the reference designations of the components, the pin 1 marking of ICs, the polarity of power supplies and diodes, the assignment of pin headers and the positions of jumpers. In addition, the name of the PCB, the revision status, logos and warning and safety notices can often be found on it.

In order for these labels to fulfil their function and not cause any problems, they must comply with certain distances and rules. If this is not the case, the CAM specialists intervene and remove labelling in critical areas. This cutting is called clipping. ??

This process step ensures that the PCB meets the high quality standards at the end and that no malfunctions occur. ??

Interested? Find out more about the rules and processes of clipping in our detailed guide: Click here ?  https://www.eurocircuits.com/pcb-assembly-guidelines/legend-print-clipping-for-assembly/

More exciting insights into the world of PCB and PCBA next Thursday! Stay tuned! ??

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