Industry’s first PXI LCR & SMU combo instrument

Industry’s first PXI LCR & SMU combo instrument Door: CN Rood

Many semiconductor elements and electronics devices require both current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements to extract critical information about a manufacturing process or validate device performance.?

Traditionally, IV measurements are made with a source measure unit (SMU), and the CV measurements are made with an LCR meter, capacitance measurement unit (CMU), or impedance analyzer. Systems needing both CV and IV measurements for a given device under test (DUT) must combine these two discrete instrument types with a switch, which degrades measurement accuracy and increases test time.

As device complexity continues to rise rapidly and time-to-market windows narrow, validation and test organizations must find new and innovative ways to adapt and keep up with throughput targets without an exorbitant cost.

The new NI PXIe-4190 LCR meter and SMU combines the functionality of a femtofarad-class LCR meter and a femtoampere-class SMU into a single-slot PXI instrument, allowing for a more seamless test experience with higher throughput, higher channel density, simpler integration, and lower cost of ownership.

This approach provides users with a high-channel-count IV/CV measurement solution that enables improved parallelism at a competitive cost and small footprint.

Click here for more info and to order the NI PXIe-4190.