Seamless Transition from CAD to CAM: 10 rules for better data!

Seamless Transition from CAD to CAM: 10 rules for better data! Door: Eurocircuits N.V.

?Seamless Transition from CAD to CAM: 10 rules for better data! ???
When the PCB design is finished and the data arrives at the PCB manufacturer, two worlds collide. The precise CAD world of unlimited possibilities meets the real production practice of the CAM world with unavoidable process tolerances and physical limits.

It is best to deliver the PCB data in such a way that the engineers in CAM do not have to ask any questions or make any changes when preparing the design data, which in turn must be checked and approved by the PCB designer.

??Following these 10 rules for better data helps streamline the transition from the CAD world to the CAM world ??

#eurocircuits #electronics #PCB #pcbdesign #pcbmanufacturing #CADdata #camdata