Alcom Electronics B.V.

Alcom Electronics is the leading “technical distributor/stocking rep and manufacturers’ representative” for Electronic Component Solutions, Wireless Embedded Connectivity & Sensors, Wireless & Industrial Controls Networking, Display & Touch, Led & Solid State Lighting, Power & EMC, Rugged Mobile Computing and Embedded Systems, AI & Edge computing in the Benelux. We combine our multiple product groups by matching technologies fitting the end application of our customers. Since its inception in 1980 we sell high quality system components, modules, board level and integrated solutions with all round services based on technical competence and knowhow. Alcom has been the trend-setter providing complex and/ or customer specific solutions to approximately 1500 customers by specialism, knowledge and expertise starting at the design concept. We bring leading edge innovations with a knowledgeable and dedicated team of 50 people to the market servicing a wide variety of customers either OEM, big, small or start-ups active in diverse vertical market segments and  applications. View our  Alcom company brochure and Alcom Linecard 2024


Alcom sees itself as a one-stop company offering a multi-brand umbrella for state-of-the art solutions with synergistic interactions among the product groups. We work in close cooperation with carefully selected leading manufacturers and extend their product lines and marketing teams with regional value-added services tailored to suit customers’ requirements. We proudly represent the companies on our line-card in a true partnership by providing manufacturer certified technical sales and application engineers to our customer base. This guarantees our business partners to meet solution-driven, technical competent and enthusiastic people at Alcom. The presence of big global companies in the electronics industry inspires us to be more agile, more adapted to local needs and to differentiate in being more customer and supplier centric. This includes a personal support on a human scale supporting the local “Make-industry”. Alcom is a long-term technology bridge for the world’s most advanced technologies and a spearhead business partner in the served markets. We support our customers with specialism, knowledge and design-in expertise from the ground up.

10 Key Alcom strengths

  • Recognized regional leadership by our business partners and stakeholders
  • Bridging the gap between people, technology and business with a human interface
  • Regional technical assistance by manufacturer-certified application resources
  • One-stop & true partner from design concept to reliable logistics
  • A hybrid team of 50 dedicated people to handle projects, business and worldwide supply chain management
  • Big enough to specialise and to handle, small enough to care
  • Smart solutions offered with an architectural view and the end-solution in mind
  • Focus on technology, innovation, specialism and expertise
  • Customer and supplier-centric organization to keep up with todays’ pace of change
  • Financially reliable company with excellent credit insurance ratings

Key Alcom services

  • Qualified & authorized electronics distribution & representation
  • Consulting & advice…innovative technologies do not explain themselves
  • Sales, design-in and technical application support
  • Direct product insight of advanced manufacturer- roadmaps differentiates truly intelligent solutions
  • Added Value through technical expertise, customer configured system solutions and on-demand logistics
  • Long term availability & EOL management services
  • Certified quality management system ISO 9001:2015 applied to all processes
  • On the pulse of new trends and technologies as tecno-scout
  • Post-sale customer support including RMA assistance for warranty requests

Key in Embedded System Solutions

  • Analysis of the application and feasibility of making your idea reality
  • Reduced risk and cost evaluation
  • Personalized support and advice from development to certification
  • Co-architecting the next-generation of your products
  • Goal to offer low total cost of ownership
  • Analytical and collaborative project approach between Alcom & our manufacturers
  • Standard, flex modular & custom-configured embedded system solutions
  • Assembly, integration & testing services
  • Quality & logistics


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3W Isolated DC-DC Converter with EN 50155 Railway Certification


The MIZI03 series is a railway-certified 3W isolated DC-DC converter meets railway certification standards EN50155 and EN 45545-2. The MIZI03 series features a 3000VAC high isolation voltage and a reinforced...

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Highly integrated flyback controller


The MPX2003 is an all-in-one flyback controller with an integrated primary driving circuit, secondary controller, synchronous rectification driver, and safety-compliant feedback. It offers the benefits of both primary-side regulation (PSR)...

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MPS power modules are ultra-efficient and easy-to-use


MPS Power Modules offer superior performance and size advantages when compared to other industry leading solution. The monolithic design allows for faster switching frequency, which leads to ultra fast transient...

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Inductive solutions for the energy transition


The energy transition is in full swing and poses major challenges for energy suppliers. The decentralised generation of electricity from renewable energy sources requires new solutions for the conversion, storage...

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300W Single Output Conduction Cooled Power Supply, ideal for railway applications.


The series provides a broad DC input voltage range, catering to standard 48V, 72V, 96V, and 110V railway battery requirements as outlined in EN50155. Its high-efficiency design minimises heat output,...

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EMC-ESD Vereniging

De Nederlandse EMC-ESD Vereniging is een vereniging van ongeveer 150 professionals op het gebied van EMC en/of ESD. De vereniging kent een breed scala aan leden die gemeenschappelijk hebben dat zij zich binnen hun bedrijf, instelling of organisatie op professionele wijze met het vakgebied bezighouden. Dat kan zijn als expert, of intermediair van informatie, dan wel als leverancier of gebruiker van informatie, diensten of producten en materialen.

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Energy Storage Event

Het Energy Storage event informeert u met een breed programma met lezingen over energieopslag. U krijgt inzicht in de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van energy storage. De neutrale kennisoverdracht biedt u deskundigheid over de voordelen met de technologie.

Met aangescherpt beleid voor de verduurzaming van de economie, de opkomst van wind- en zonne-energie en dalende accuprijzen ontstaan nieuwe business cases voor energieopslag.

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Power Electronics Event

Het Power Electronics Event vindt plaats op 14 juni 2022. Nieuw dit jaar is de combinatie met het Energy Storage event. Vermogenselektronica en energieopslag kennen veel raakvlakken en zijn veelal onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Profiteer tijdens de gecombineerde editie van de aanwezige vakkennis op het gebied van zowel vermogenselektronica als energieopslag. De breedte van de markt, namelijk toepassers, ontwikkelaars, toeleveranciers en kennisinstituten komen bijeen op het Power Electronics en Energy Storage event. Met vakgenoten worden visies, ervaringen en kennis uitgewisseld.

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Design Automation & Embedded Systems Event

Tijdens het jaarlijkse Design Automation & Embedded Systems Event nemen ontwikkelaars en toepassers van embedded systems kennis van de laatste technologieën en wisselen zij visies en ervaringen uit met vakgenoten.
In het lezingenprogramma en op de kennismarkt wordt aandacht besteed aan specifieke thema’s.

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Electronics & Applications

Dé vakbeurs voor industriële elektronica in de Benelux

Electronics & Applications is dé beurs voor industriële elektronica in de Benelux. Op deze beurs kunt u de gehele keten ontmoeten, van componenten tot productie en van design services tot vormgeving. Daarmee is E&A de ontmoetingsplek voor engineers, ontwerpers, ontwikkelaars en niet-techneuten die op zoek zijn naar oplossingen. E&A zal niet in fysieke vorm plaatsvinden in 2021.

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De beurzen World of Industry, Technology & Science bestaat uit 3 unieke werelden: World of Industry, World of Laboratory en World of Electronics. Met deze indeling krijgen de branches hun eigen identiteit, expositieprogramma en richten zij zich op hun eigen bezoekersdoelgroepen met interactieve beursprojecten en aansprekende en actuele seminaronderwerpen.

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Supply Chain Tech

Opkomende digitale technologieën maken het mogelijk om uw logistieke keten te integreren met productieprocessen met vele potentiële voordelen als gevolg. Geavanceerde data analytics, kunstmatige intelligentie, slimme sensoren en internetgerelateerde koppelingen zijn slechts enkele voorbeelden van beschikbare middelen die hun intrede in de industrie doen.

Ook gaan uw IT (informatietechnologie) en OT (operationele technologie) afdelingen steeds meer samenwerken. Welke technologische oplossingen zijn geschikt voor deze integratie? Het Supply Chain Tech event biedt de bezoeker inzicht en concrete tips rondom deze actuele ontwikkelingen.

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