New R&MinteliPhy 4 Solution Enhances Automated Infrastructure Management for Real-Time Visibility Network Cabling Infrastructure
At this year’s DatacenterDynamics Europe event, held in in London, R&M released R&MinteliPhy 4. Like previous releases, integration of the RFID-based R&MinteliPhyplatform offers users real-time visibility into the physical network infrastructure that connects IT assets in the data centre. In addition, this latest release enables 3D modelling and rendering, reporting based on historical values of objects and changes made to objects, multi-factor TOTP authentication and automated cable length calculations.
R&MinteliPhy 4 features a number of enhancements to the software suite, such as user authentication via multi-factor TOTP authentication, reporting based on the historical values of objects and changes made to objects, and the ability to record splicing tasks with work orders