Talk of the “Battle of the Currents” is spilling into mainstream society Recently, I caught up with a former colleague who told me that she was now on “Team Edison.” Then today my wife asked me over lunch whether I had ever heard of a certain Nikola
DC development for data center power
Back in the 1880s Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison engaged in the “War of the Currents,” fighting for supremacy between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). The AC solution won and for the past 100 years transmission and distribution architectures throughout the world have been based
Datacenters: gaat DC winnen van AC?
In de lezingentrack Data- & Energietransport komen zes actuele thema’s aan bod. Normen, design overwegingen, falen in het netwerk en een goed beheer worden uitgebreid besproken. Daarnaast geeft ABB een lezing over de voor- en nadelen van gelijkstroom (DC) tegenover wisselstroom (AC) in een datacenter. Heeft gelijkstroom