Donderdag 28 september 2023 | 14:30 – 15:30 uur | Croesezaal
De keuze om de juiste kolom te selecteren is niet eenvoudig. In de afgelopen twee decennia is er veel veranderd in de vloeistofchromatografie; high-performance (HPLC) is veranderd in (UPLC) ultra-performance, die snellere scheidingen oplevert. De verbetering van de hardware heeft invloed gehad op de kolomselectie.
In deze workshop geeft Aschwin van der Horst van Indorama Ventures Europe inzicht in alle factoren die van belang zijn bij de selectie van een kolom bij vloeistofchromatografie. Hij helpt bij het selecteren van de beste kolom voor jouw toepassing.
Wanneer je je inschrijft voor een beursbezoek, kun je je ook aanmelden voor deze workshop.
Lees alles over de achtergrond van deze workshop:
During the last two decades a lot has changed in liquid chromatography; high-performance (HPLC) has changed into (UPLC) ultra-performance yielding faster separations. The improvement in hardware has effected the column selection. For optimal separation resolution is a good parameter although, peak capacity is often mentioned as the parameter for a comprehensive overview of your sample. Nevertheless, when you are facing the problem of separating two peaks which have the tendency to co-elute, you might try any column available to yield the optimal separation for solving your problem in the cheapest way.
Change of column, very often a C18 silica-based column is used, is not always the answer to solve your problem. Besides the selectivity factor (a), a quantitative measure for the difference in chromatographic behavior of two constituents in a specific phase system, the retention-factor (k) and the plate-count (N), influenced by column length (L) and plate-height (H) are also of importance for a good column selection. So, besides the selection of the stationary-phase in liquid chromatography, also the selection of a good modifier with specific solvent strength is of importance.
In the application we are often limited to the systems capabilities. We do not have the choice of changing the system to our requirements when it is already operational in our laboratory. When the system is used for HPLC- or UPLC applications we see differences in the availability of the columns for our application. Also important is the choice of detection, when e.g. mass-spectrometry is used limitations in solvent selection are observed due to the volatility of you buffer required for ionization.
Since over 90% of chromatographers are using some kind of C18 modified HPLC column, the choice of selecting the right one is not straight forward. There is a lot of difference in C18 stationary-phases, they will not have the same separation characteristics. For selection of the right C18 stationary phase for your application you can use different selection criteria or perform a literature study to check how the specific constituent is separated on different columns in different applications.
In this workshop, I will give a short insight in the importance of understanding the behavior of our constituents in liquid chromatography to try to help guiding towards selecting the best column for your application.
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