Proteins are present in all living organisms. They have a key role in the biology of life and provide structural and mechanical functions. A limited number of proteins are processed at an industrial scale for application in cosmetics and packaging materials, next to their use as important food ingredients. There are several challenges associated with proteins in foods. Of particular concern is the hydrolysis of proteins into peptides. Peptides are an important group of compounds contributing to the desired, as well as the undesired taste of a food product. Their taste impressions can include aspects of sweetness, bitterness, savoury, umami and many other impressions depending on the amino acids present as well as their sequence. In this contribution analytical methods based on chromatography, mass spectrometry and in silico predictions are discussed that allow us to get a better understanding of the peptides present in typical foods.
Spreker: Boudewijn Hollebrands, Unilever
Dit webinar vindt plaats op donderdag 22 april om 9:00 uur