DRC: Quality Control for PCB Layouts

DRC: Quality Control for PCB Layouts Door: Eurocircuits N.V.

DRC: Quality Control for PCB Layouts ??

The Design Rule Check (DRC) plays a crucial role in #pcbdesign, even before the production of the #PCB begins. During this process, layout data is scrutinised for design errors and manufacturability.

During the DRC process, the PCB designer primarily monitors the functionality of the wiring and the geometric distances within the layout based on predefined constraints. Simultaneously, the PCB manufacturer generally conducts a DRC to ensure that the printed circuit board can be manufactured in accordance with the specifications.

Typical DRC criteria include:
· Width of traces and spacing between them ?
· Interrupted traces ?
· Drill diameters ?
· Distances to the outer contour ??
· Clearance of solder mask ??

For this crucial inspection step, Eurocircuits offers the free PCB Checker tool. This software reviews the data and highlights errors found during checks such as trace widths, insulation distances, or annular rings. The best part is that the PCB Checker not only marks all rule violations within the layout but also allows for direct error correction.

The term DRC is closely linked to DFM (Design for Manufacturing), which we will discuss in detail in the next time.??

#eurocircuits #PCB #pcbdesign #pcbmanufacturing