News World of Electronics

News World of Electronics Door: FHI, Federatie van Technologie Branches

This is what you can expect during WoTS 2022

September 15, 2022

The World of Technology & Science fair will take place from 27 to 30 September in Jaarbeurs Utrecht. The World of Electronics combines encounters, current events and innovations. The participating companies are active in the field of electronics, including hardware and software, test and measurement, development, production and much more. The projects and seminars provide knowledge on current themes. Visitors can also collect the coveted exhibition gadget on the exhibition floor!

The substantive program revolves around four current themes, namely:

  1. The Challenges of Internet of Things
  2. Challenges of Test & Measurement in the future
  3. Hardware design for production
  4. User Interface Design

A seminar is planned for all themes! Experts will speak during the seminar to update your knowledge on the latest ins and outs surrounding these topics.

Prince Constantijn on World of Electronics

On the opening day, Prince Constantijn of Orange will visit the WoTS-Stories program 'The importance of the Semiconductor Industry'. As a special envoy of the foundation, an organization that works for technological startups and scale-ups, the prince will discuss the future of the semiconductor industry with representatives of high-tech companies.

WoTS gadget ready to fly

Strong collaboration in the electronics supply chain once again produces an interesting gadget: the WoTS parrot. This gadget is concrete, fun and flexible. Dekimo's professional engineer team has developed the voice recording device with various funny voice changers.

Cast your vote for the TechAward

The TechAward 2022 is the prize for the most innovative products or technologies for the electronics sector. Four entries have now been nominated from all entries. These companies will present their innovations at the TechAward gallery during the fair. You You can vote for your favorite during the WoTS. We will announce the winner at the end of the fair.

Enough reasons to register immediately for a visit to the fair.

The development process of hardware design: from creative idea to working concept

You have probably experienced it: you have a fantastic idea, your colleagues react enthusiastically and they all think you should do something with it. You make a plan full of energy, but then… Where do you start? How do you handle it? Before you know it, six months have passed and everyone (including yourself) has forgotten about your great idea. The story of your life? Then the presentation by Jeroen Rondeel from Blue Engineering during the Hardware Design seminar is highly recommended.

The Venlo engineer and entrepreneur will speak during the WoTS on September 29 about the development process of a new product. Using a concrete example, the plasma generator 'Blue Plasma', he describes the steps his company Blue Engineering takes to develop from a creative brainstorming session to a validated prototype and end product.

Dozens of new products

Rondeel knows what he is talking about, because he and his colleagues were at the origin of dozens of new products. Usually on behalf of customers, but sometimes on our own initiative. One of the most recent in-house innovations is a device that reduces harmful nitrogen emissions to zero. “I consciously take the Blue Plasma as an example because we have devised and developed this device from scratch,” says Rondeel enthusiastically.

“The reason for the development was the revolutionary discovery made by scientists at Eindhoven University of Technology about the bactericidal and virus-killing effect of plasma (another name for lightning). We wondered whether we could also apply this principle to nitrogen. That turned out to be the case. This is how our 'product creation journey' started; as a creative idea during a meeting”.

The essence central

“Through trial and error, I have learned how important it is to focus on the essence from the very start of a product creation process. Which functions are really necessary for the functioning of the product (critical-to-quality) and what are the bells and whistles. By clarifying this at the drawing board, you avoid getting bogged down in conversations about specs that are nice, but that have no added value. Before you know it, you're wasting hours with designs that you end up never using.”

“That's why we invite an industrial engineering partner to think along with us in the first phase of the process. They know exactly what is and is not possible during the production phase. You can think of anything, but if it is ultimately not feasible, you have invested all that time and effort for nothing.”

Working modularly

“A second way to save time and effort is by working modularly. Where possible, we use existing technologies so that we know more quickly whether a device is functioning as intended. For the Blue Plasma, for example, it is very important that the power has a low noise. The power electronics must work stably in a precise process window. This is essential for quality. That is why we started looking for existing power electronics that meet these strict quality requirements already in the design phase. That way we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Ultimately, our engineers developed a control mechanism that allows us to operate plasma very reliably. We have a patent on that. It is better to spend a few euros more on electronics that work stably than to check and correct afterwards.”

“It is better to spend a few euros more on electronics that work stably than to check and correct afterwards.”

“Every product contains components that are more vulnerable, for example because they are often used and therefore wear out faster. Knowing that, you can do two things: either you accept that the end product has a shorter life, or you invest in a high-quality component that far exceeds the critical time limit. We choose the latter. It improves product reliability and ultimately our customers want this too.”


“Sustainability is very important to us. That is why we always use an aging test to see how a product will function in 10 or 15 years. You have to dare to do that, but in the end you will save costs. By properly tackling the hardware design right from the start, you will produce the components in an industrial way. You limit error rates during production and therefore lower production costs.”

“During the lecture on Hardware Design I will tell you more about the development process itself”, Rondeel concludes. “Taxpayers who want to learn more about our innovations are welcome at our booth in the DevelopmentClub/IoT pavilion, number 9B076.”

Knowing more?

During the Hardware Design seminar at the WoTS fair, on September 29 in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, Rondeel tells more about the hardware design process of Blue Engineering.

User Interface Design essential for the success of your product

On the last day of WoTS, we pay special attention to the user interface design (UID) of devices and machines. A current topic that has a major impact on the sales success of a product. The UID must be attractive and user-friendly. The user wants to understand at a glance how a product works. During the seminar, on September 30 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the World of Electronics, UID specialists will explain the entire development process, from design to realization and security.

Before the designer gets to work, it must be clear what the customer wants and why. Yassin Chakkar of Comate kicks off the seminar with the customer question. Using practical examples, Chakkar explains how he and his colleagues arrive at a first design. An interesting example is the ice cream maker that Comate designed for the startup Cupple. This product is not yet available on the market, but is already attracting the attention of journalists and prospective buyers. The smart and sleek design of the device's interface is partly responsible for this, as Chakkar will demonstrate during his presentation.

Technology behind a successful design

The specification wishes of the customer are always leading for the design, but must be feasible. Johan Vonk of Betronic therefore zooms in on the technical aspects of a successful UID. From an LCD segment display to a full-colour IPS Touch display: there is a suitable user interface for every application. Vonk discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques and which technique is best applicable in specific situations.

Then Gilles Hendrikx of Logic Technology talks about streamlining the interaction between the front-end and back-end developers. Where in the past every change to the front-end led to frustration for the backend developer, there are now solutions that circumvent this problem and increase productivity enormously. By choosing modern tools with a parallel workflow, designers can develop good GUIs without any code knowledge. Engaging a software engineer is often no longer necessary.

Protection and UID

An essential part of any UID design is product protection. Devices and machines are expensive and must therefore literally be able to take a beating. It is important that the device is resistant to electromagnetic influences and that the housing is in order. But the designer also has to think about practical matters, such as ease of use and the layout of the workplace. After all, users do not always treat a device in the way the designer had envisioned. A good UID takes this into account. Harms Jansen of Phoenix Mecano will discuss various cases and the solutions that Phoenix Mecano has applied during his presentation.

CE mark

Before a new device can go into production, it must be compliant with European guidelines and bear the CE mark. An important requirement for this quality mark is that the product meets the standards in the field of Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC), according to Paul Berning of Schurter Electronics. Other electrical devices in the immediate vicinity should not affect the operation of the product, so high immunity is necessary. At the same time, the emission must also be low, because the product must not interfere with other devices. The exact EMC requirements differ per product group. For example, for reasons of safety, medical equipment requires a higher immunity than for everyday utensils.

Jeroen op ten Berg of GBO Innovation Makers closes the seminar with an overview presentation of the entire UID process: from the first brainstorming session to the final production. On the basis of concrete user cases, he explains in which phase of the design process user interface design is discussed and how his company responds to this.

Admission to the seminar is free, but you must register in advance for WoTS via this link.

The importance of the Semiconductor Industry to high-tech

The semiconductor industry is essential to the high-tech sector. During the WoTS Stories program on Tuesday, September 27, from 1:00 to 4:15 p.m., presentations by Intel, TSMC, and Imec will provide a complete picture of the importance of this sector.

The English presentations will cover investment, manufacturing, R&D, and support for startups. Speakers will touch on the importance of digitalization, activities in Europe, opportunities with manufacturing technologies, and collaboration in the supply chain.

Maurits Tichelman of Intel opens the WoTS Stories program on the chip industry with the lecture 'Shaping the European digital decade. Together.' He will explain how Intel intends to anticipate European plans to significantly accelerate semiconductor production in Europe. The chipmaker has already announced large-scale investments for this purpose, in which Intel is collaborating with a large number of parties.

Paul de Bot will speak on behalf of TSMC. The title of his presentation is 'The foundry industry and the possibilities with fabrication technologies for semiconductors. De Bot will focus on the semiconductor industry as a whole and the specific qualities of TSMC as a large chip producer.

Romano Hoofman of imec will give a lecture entitled 'Services and support for deep-tech start-ups in the semiconductor industry. The division ‘imec IC-link’ helps startups by offering a complete ASIC platform.

The future of the semiconductor industry will be shown by several startups. They will discuss the semiconductor industry’s future with the special envoy of, Z.K.H. Prins Constantijn van Oranje.

Would you like to attend these lectures? Register now for a free exhibition and/or seminar visit.

TechAward 2022: vote for your favorite innovation

Nine entries are competing for the TechAward 2022 of the World of Electronics at the WoTS, the largest trade fair for technology and science in The Netherlands. A professional jury and the public will decide which entries will be nominated for the prestigious award. In the previous newsletter, we introduced the first entries to you. In this edition, the last six contenders are up for consideration.

You can cast your vote up to the 31the of August. During WoTS, the four nominees will present their innovations on the exhibition floor. The winner will be announced on Friday, September 30, on the final day of WoTS.

New this year is the presentation of the Green TechAward. The exhibitor who can demonstrate that his innovation contributes positively to sustainability has a chance to win this 'green' award. The fact that sustainability is top priority for many technology companies is clearly shown by the fact that no less than five of the nine entries competed for the Green TechAward. Below we introduce you to the last six innovations.

 CN Rood - 2 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO)

The 2 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) is the ideal oscilloscope for electronic debugging and testing anywhere you want. With a capacitive touch screen and a highly intuitive user interface, the 2 Series MSO is a valuable addition to the award-winning Tektronix family of 'next generation' oscilloscopes. The 2 Series MSO is the first portable oscilloscope to deliver the same performance as a benchtop oscilloscope.

Rohde & Schwarz - RTS AREG800A (Green TechAward).

The RTS Radar Test System overcomes obstacles in testing automotive radar systems for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) systems. It is a target simulator that generates dynamic radar echoes that can be used at all stages of radar sensor testing. From pre-development through hardware-in-the-loop lab testing to validation of integrated ADAS/AD functions.

Salland Electronics - IoT platform ThingsWay (Green TechAward).

The ThingsWay platform provides a flying start to IoT projects. The platform allows applications to be directly and quickly connected to the Internet. Notifications arrive via SMS or email and data is stored in the cloud. In the maintenance industry, savings of up to 50% are possible. This makes the platform a solution for the scarcity of maintenance personnel.

SCHURTER Electronics - CHS

Conventional switches require unsightly mounting holes in the user interface. This is not the case with the new SCHURTER CHS. The abbreviation CHS stands for Capacitive Hidden Switch. The switch can be mounted hidden behind non-conductive materials’ surfaces and is therefore invisible. This offers new possibilities for designing user interfaces that optimally meet the requirements of specific applications.  

TDK-LAMBDA France SAS - PFH500F 500W AC-DC Power Module

In environments where convection or forced air cooling is not feasible, use the high efficiency PFH500 Series AC-DC power modules with a 4? x 2.4? footprint. Suitable for outdoor enclosures or liquid-cooled applications, these PCB-mounted power supply modules accept a wide range of AC input voltages and deliver an adjustable, regulated 28 V output voltage. Because the conduction-cooled base plate can withstand temperatures from -40 °C to 100 °C, the power supplies operate even at high ambient temperatures.

Weiss Technik Netherlands - The new ClimeEvent with absolute humidity control (Green TechAward)

The ClimeEvent 2 is the successor to the successful ClimeEvent. The ClimeEvent has been completely redesigned in terms of technology, appearance, and functionality with feedback from users. With this, the ClimeEvent 2 meets the ever-increasing demands of customers, with even higher precision.

Click here for an overview of all entries and cast your vote immediately.

Register for WoTS

Register for a free WoTS-ticket and watch the four nominated innovations live in the TechAward gallery. 

WoTS 2022: the meeting place for electronics professionals and industry in the Netherlands


Nearly a hundred exhibitors are eager to surprise you on the exhibition floor at the end of September with the latest innovations and solutions. We are looking forward to being able to experience the fair feeling of four years ago again!

Prevent errors during production by applying early supplier involvement


Is there a 'best testing strategy'? According to Steven Van Hout, test engineer at VDL TBP Electronics, yes there is. According to him, the 'secret' is involvement in the design of a new product as early as possible, preferably before the first sketches have been made. During the Test & Meet seminar, part of the World of Technology & Science 2022 on September 28 in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Van Hout will explain his method and he will reveal step-by-step the method of this effective test strategy.

“The crux is to be actively present as a discussion partner during the first discussions about a new product”, Van Hout starts off. “In practice, we see that designers are mainly concerned with functionalities at the start of a project and sometimes lose sight of feasibility. Then there is a beautiful design that cannot be made or tested. If this has to be corrected at a later stage, it costs time and money and is frustrating for the customer. That is why it is so important to get involved in 'phase 0' to go through and analyze the functionalities.”

Think along

In phase 0, Van Hout looks at three elements: design for manufacturing (DfM), design for testing (DfT) and Design for Logistics (DfL). “At DfM we look at the manufacturability of a product, at DfT at the testability and at DfL we analyze the availability and lifespan of components,” explains Van Hout. “A report of the DfL analysis will become available in which we indicate the service life of the important components. Suppose the customer wants to manufacture a product for ten years, but certain components in that product have an expected life of five years. Then we have to make a new choice during the design process, unless we know that there will be a design change within a few years because the component is no longer available,” explains Van Hout.

Further in the process

“In the next phase, we call this 'phase 1', we are already a bit further in the process. The electronic schematic is ready and some components have already been placed on the layout. We are looking again at the DfM and DfT, but the focus is now on the testing possibilities. For example, we investigate whether the PCBs are easy to place and solder and whether there is sufficient test access (test accessibility). The various functionalities of the board must be easily accessible with test devices, otherwise it will be difficult to perform measurements. In terms of manufacturability, we are looking at whether we can properly place and solder all components. Finally, we analyze the different footprints of the PCBs; those are the pads on a board on which a component is placed. This way we know exactly how to design a footprint to be able to solder as reliably as possible.”

Dotting the i

When the design is completely ready, the last dots are put on the i. “Phase 2 is the most practical phase. We perform a final analysis in which we also check whether the recommendations from the first phase have been included in the design. The design for manufacturing plays a major role in this phase, so we look specifically at the technology and manufacturability of the PCBs. For example, we are investigating which suppliers we can order the PCBs from and whether we can completely assemble and solder the board in the way that the customer expects from us," says Van Hout.

“This analysis produces a number,” the test engineer continues. “This production yield number indicates in advance what percentage of PCBs will pass through the production process correctly. In the DfT analysis we determine which components are 100% testable. There is always a small percentage of components that we cannot fully test with the tools at hand. We call this the slip through. The customer receives a list of slip-through components and then determines, together with us, what possible solutions there are. Is the available measuring equipment sufficient, or do we need to purchase new test equipment? If we cannot find a suitable test device on the market, or if it only needs to be tested once, we develop a test device ourselves. We have the expertise for this in-house,” explains Van Hout.

Right first time

The big advantage of this method, according to Van Hout, is that the percentage of right first time of the PCBs shoots up. “The customer gets more reliable PCBs and fewer repairs, which means that the unit price per board is lower. For the customer, the product is therefore cheaper by going through the entire design for manufacturing process and he gets more boards that are reliable in the field.”

Van Hout continues: “In the field of testability, our aim is to achieve the highest possible test score. We want to be able to properly measure the components that we place on the board. This has the advantage that we can quickly find PCBs that contain errors and we can provide the customer with a very high delivery percentage. So he will get few boards that don't work. Because PCBs are always built-in somewhere, it is extra important that the boards function properly. This saves the customer a lot of time and money in the long run. There is also the social component: for example, if a board fails in a medical application, it can cost human lives. Testing and measuring comes with a great responsibility.”

More information?

Steven Van Hout will speak on September 28 during the Test & Meet seminar at the WoTS, from 13.00 to 17.00 in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Van Hout will kick off at 1 pm and after that six more test and measurement specialists will give a presentation. Admission is free, but you must register in advance.

TechAward 2022: innovations in the spotlight


This year, no fewer than nine entries are competing for the World of Electronics TechAward 2022. In this edition we pay extra attention to sustainability with a separate Green TechAward. You can vote for your favorite innovation on the WoTS 2022 website. We will explain a number of submissions in more detail in the upcoming newsletters. In this newsletter: the 'smart' monitoring system Smart Monitoring from Althen and Treon, innovative hydrogen panels from Solhyd and Comate, and the design environment 'Clash' from QBayLogic.

Smart Monitoring: the smart IoT solution for machine monitoring

It is the fear of every company: a breakdown in a machine or even machine failure due to a defect. Prevention is better than cure, which is why there is a growing need for machine condition monitoring. SmartMonitoring meets this need. The smart IoT sensor solution enables companies to monitor any room or machine 24/7 without expensive wired equipment. SmartMonitoring consists of a network of sensor nodes that forward their data via an IoT gateway to a computer network or a cloud platform. The device was developed by Althen Sensors & Controls and Treon.

Hydrogen panels: affordable green hydrogen from light and air

Our earth is warming and our raw materials are running out. The climate is crying out for sustainable solutions. How do we ensure that the energy we consume is renewable, sustainable, clean and accessible to everyone? Hydrogen panels offer an answer, according to the companies Solhyd and Comate. The modules in the panels use sunlight to make hydrogen gas. Water vapor in the air is converted directly into H2. The hydrogen panels are very similar to classic solar panels, but instead of an electricity cable, a pipe with hydrogen gas comes out.

FPGA design environment; clash

Thanks to our open-source, high-level design environment 'Clash', the entire design process is expressed in one and the same formal language: from high-level model to the final details of the implementation on an FPGA. Moreover, every step in the design process is provable and testable. That makes our solutions first time right, which significantly shortens the time-to-market.

Vote now for your favorite innovation

You can now vote for your favorite innovation. This is possible until 31 August 2022. In addition, a professional jury assesses the submitted innovations. Four nominees per category are determined on the basis of the visitor votes and the jury report. They are allowed to present their innovation on the exhibition floor.

Register now for a visit to the fair and watch the four nominated innovations live in the TechAward gallery.

Robotization in the time of staff scarcity


The current shortage of personnel appears to be changing the picture surrounding robotisation. You could say: 'the problem of a shortage of technical personnel can be solved technologically'. A specific seminar during WoTS 2022 emphasizes robotization in the industry and science. This tech-story behind current events can also be inspiring for professionals from healthcare and laboratories. The sober stories from MIT/Stanford, WUR, MAREL and Moba offer you new insights and opportunities.

The seminar will be opened by Georgios Petropoulus of MIT/Stanford. The speaker focused his research on employment, the economy, competition and quality of work. He will present the implications of industrial robots on the labor market and the changes in the economy.

There will not only be relocation of work, but also productivity gains that create new opportunities. However, as a society we need to learn to interact with robots, change workplace conditions and train the workforce. The risk may be that we automate too much, so how can companies and societies make the right choices?

Julian Langowski of WUR offers lessons from nature, which can be used in a new generation of 'soft' robotic systems. During the evolution, nature has continuously adapted to the environment. This offers creative solutions to fundamental problems. The speaker shows various lessons and focuses in particular on the fascinating grip qualities of tree frogs. What can we learn from this, for example to improve the grip of robots?

Moba is a leading manufacturer of egg grading, packing and processing machines. The company supplies particularly innovative and reliable total solutions for the egg industry that meet the strict requirements of the current market. In his presentation, Paul Buisman shows how Moba has programmed a generic software shell around the robot, so that each robot cell is delivered as a ‘standard product’. This offers opportunities in the diversity of applications in practice.

MAREL supports the production of high-quality, safe and affordable food by providing software, services, systems and solutions to the fish, meat and poultry processing industry. Sustainability is at the heart of the company, helping to reduce waste while improving yields and creating economic value.

Robert van Riet discusses the diversity in products, weight, animals and human influence. The approach to this diversity starts with 3D scans of products and the calculation of the initial situation. In several steps, using vision and Artificial Intelligence, the Robot toolpath is calculated. The speaker shows you how everything works.

You can register for a visit here.

Targeted networking at the WoTS pavilions


If you are looking for information about a specific topic, the WoTS pavilions will certainly appeal to you. In these pavilions, several stands around a single theme are placed together around a square. This allows you to collect specific information on these 'theme squares' and to make contact with interesting parties.

It is also possible to combine a visit to the stands with a lecture, because the presentation rooms are all a short walk from the pavilions. At the World of Electronics, the 'world' where everything revolves around industrial electronics, you will find the pavilions 'Test and Meet' and 'Development/IoT'.

Test and Measurement Pavilion

A visit to the Test and Measurement Pavilion is a must for anyone interested in test and measurement. Six test and measurement companies present their products and services to a mixed audience. The companies have various specialisms, including:

  • Functional testing for electronics production
  • CE testing for a market launch of a development
  • Environmental- and climate testing
  • Testing and measuring of wireless applications

The widely available expertise of these exhibitors makes a visit to this pavilion extra useful. You can submit your own test challenges to the experts on site.

Development / IoT Pavilion

Developing custom electronics for customer-specific applications is the main theme of this pavilion. On eight stands you will find recently completed projects with the latest electronics applications. This year the focus is on the (im)possibilities and challenges surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT). A selection of the themes that will be discussed at the pavilion:

  • From proof of concept to serial production
  • The power of innovation
  • FPGA solutions for complex applications
  • Wireless measurement systems for reliable information transfer

More information about the pavilions

Program Test & Meet seminar almost finished


The program of the Test & Meet seminar at the World of Electronics of WoTS 2022 is taking shape. Seven renowned companies have promised to hold a lecture and five themes have now been announced.

The challenges surrounding test and measurement together form the central theme of the seminar. Specialists from all over the country will update you on current events in test and measurement so that you can be informed in one afternoon about the latest developments in your field. The seminar is on September 28 from 1 pm to 5 pm in the Jaarbeurs.

Steven Van Hout of VDL TBP Electronics kicks off the seminar program with a presentation on the best test strategy. Among other things, he discusses the importance of early involvement of suppliers in the test and measurement process. Kees Revenberg of Eurofins / MASER zooms in on the systems and challenges surrounding the testing of power electronic components.

Signal fidelity through innovative probe technology is the topic where Sven de Coster from C.N. Rood will tell you more about it, after which Marcel Wiechmann from Hikmicro on behalf of Tooltronics will elaborate on thermal images.

You will see the world with a new perspective thanks to this innovative technology!

The seminar will be concluded by Adnan Moosabhoy of EMC Partner. On behalf of Rimarck, he will update you on EMC requirements for lighting equipment. Acal BFI and Accelonix will announce the themes of their presentation shortly.

View the complete program here and register now for the presentations via this link. Participation is free, but you must register in advance.

User Interface Design Essential for Product Success


On the last day of WoTS, we pay special attention to the user interface design (UID) of devices and machines. The UID should be attractive and user-friendly. The user wants to understand instantly how a product works. During the seminar, on September 30 from 9:00 to 12:30 in the World of Electronics, UID specialists explain the entire development process, from design to realization and security.

Before the designer gets to work, it must be clear what the customer wants and why. Yassin Chakkar of Comate starts the seminar with the customer question. Using practical examples, Chakkar explains how he and his colleagues arrive at their first design. An interesting example is the ice cream maker, a product Comate designed for the startup Cupple. This ice cream maker is not yet available on the market but is already attracting the attention of journalists and prospective buyers. The sleek design of the device's interface is partly responsible for this, as Chakkar will demonstrate during his presentation.

The technology behind a successful design

Johan Vonk from Betronic zooms in on the technical aspects of a successful UID. There's a suitable user interface technique for every application; from an LCD segment display to a full color IPS Touch display. Vonk discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques and which technique is best used in specific situations. Gilles Hendrikx of Logic Technology talks about streamlining the interaction between the front-end and the back-end developer. Where previously every change to the front-end led to frustration for the backend developer, there are now solutions that work around this problem and greatly increase productivity. Designers can develop GUIs without any knowledge of coding by choosing modern tools with a parallel workflow. The involvement of a software engineer is often no longer necessary.

Protection and UID

An essential part of any UID design is the protection of a product. It's important that the device is resistant to electromagnetic influences and that the material is strong and durable. But the designer also has to think about practical matters, such as ease of use and the layout of the workplace. After all, users do not always use a device in the way the designer planned. A good UID takes this into account. During his presentation, Harms Jansen of Phoenix Mecano will discuss various product cases and the solutions that Phoenix Mecano has applied.

CE mark

Before a new device can be taken into production, it must be compliant with European guidelines and carry the CE mark. An important requirement for this mark is that the product meets the standards for Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC), says Paul Berning of Schurter Electronics. Other electrical devices in the surroundings must not affect the operation of the product. Therefore, high immunity is necessary. At the same time, emissions must also be low, as the product should not interfere with other devices. The exact EMC requirements differ for each product group. For example, because of its safety, medical equipment requires higher immunity than everyday objects.

Jeroen op ten Berg of GBO Innovation Makers concludes the seminar with an overview presentation of the entire UID process: from the initial brainstorming session to final production. Using concrete user cases, he explains in which phase of the design process user interface design comes into play and how his company responds to this. 

Admission to the seminar is free, but you must register for WoTS in advance.  

Seven reasons why you should visit WoTS 2022


A visit to the World of Technology & Science 2022 not only gives you as a visitor a total overview of the latest developments in technology and science, but this trade fair also offers you a total experience. And there are more than seven reasons to visit WoTS 2022 in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht from Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 September 2022.

  • As a visitor, you are not only informed about one theme, but you can view a total of five worlds: the World of Automation, World of Electronics, World of Industrial Processing, World of Laboratory and World of Motion & Drives. Each world will surprise you again.
  • Not only can you visit the stands of the hundreds of exhibitors, WoTS 2022 also offers you extensive intellectual depth with a rich lecture program, spread over the five worlds. Just watch the program.
  • Overarching, we will discuss overarching themes such as robotics, nuclear energy, COVID-19 and smarter use of technical education with a series of top speakers. The broad outlines will also be discussed during WoTS 2022.
  • We organize numerous activities on the exhibition floor itself. For example, the World of Laboratory organizes a series of X-peditions, while the World of Automation shows the latest developments in sustainability at the Waterstofplein.
  • The exhibition gadget, part of the World of Electronics, will also be featured at WoTS 2022. This year it's the WoTS Parrot. Collect the gadget on the show floor, as it is a collector's item.
  • As a visitor you can also marvel at interesting products that have been selected for the PIP and the TechAward, the prize for companies with innovative technology. In fact, you can choose which entries have a chance to win this award. In total, this year we are handing out the Green TechAward for the most sustainable innovation.
  • At the end of your visit you will be fully aware of product innovations and developments within the market and you will go home with new experiences, knowledge and insights.

You see, there are plenty of reasons to visit WoTS 2022 in September. Moreover, a visit is completely free. Apply now!

What is the status of the WoTS gadget?


The trade show gadget is a popular tradition at WoTS. Since 2014 (start of WoTS), the organizers of World of Electronics have given away a unique, technically advanced gadget to visitors during each edition of the trade show. Many gadgets have become collector's items and expectations for the 2022 edition are high. We give you a sneak preview.

The unveiling of the latest exhibition gadget is always an exciting moment. Various companies present their gadget ideas during a pitch, and the exhibitors vote for their favorite. In 2020, the 'parrot' by the Leuven-based company Dekimo came out on top: an interactive parrot with a built-in voice recorder that records short messages and plays them back in a distorted format. Unfortunately, corona threw a spanner in the works so that the parrot had to be put on hold. But now the wait is finally over. The WoTS parrot is back and you can admire it with your own eyes during WoTS 2022.


As with previous editions, the gadget is a collaboration between several companies participating in WoTS. For the parrot, more than 20 exhibitors joined forces. Parrot inventor Dekimo developed the functional layout. Saar Drimer of Eurocircuits designed the artistic front side of the board. In addition, Eurocircuits produced the prototypes and the series PCB. The assembling of the PCBs was the responsibility of A1 Electronics. In addition to these exhibitors, other companies were involved in the parrot project by component sponsorship, performing various tests, or as financial sponsors. This shows once again that the cooperation between the members of Industrial Electronics is excellent!

Ready for production

Meanwhile, the gadget is ready for production. The WoTS organization has given orders for 1500 copies of the interactive parrot. If you would like to obtain one, we encourage you to indicate this when you register because interest in the gadget is high.

Register for WoTS today at no cost so you can soon be the proud owner of the one and only WoTS parrot!  

The trade fair for science and technology: WoTS 2022

Be there from Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 September during the World of Technology & Science 2022 in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. The trade fair for technology and science in the Benelux offers the visitor not only an insight into the latest innovations, but also interesting lectures and numerous activities on the exhibition floor. Registration for a trade fair visit is completely free!

WoTS 2022 has five different worlds. The World of Electronics not only offers a hall full of exhibitors with interesting innovations and products, but also seminars on themes such as user interface design and the challenges surrounding the arrival of the internet of things.

The World of Laboratory showcases cutting edge technology in the lab world. In addition, speakers will talk about food safety, working safe with hazardous substances and how to make a lab sustainable. The latest technologies will also be shown on the World of Automation exhibition floor and attention will be paid to, among other things, cyber security, hydrogen and process optimization in the Food & Beverage sector.

You can experience the latest state of affairs in drive technology at the exhibitors of the World of Motion & Drives. At the FEDA Lounge, the exhibitors show their skills in this area, where visitors can also follow lectures on innovations and designs in drive technology. The World of Industrial Processing gives the visitor insight into the developments within industrial process techniques. Food safety and the transport of goods flows in industry are two themes that will be discussed.

But there is more: during the WoTS 2022 overarching themes will also be discussed, such as the state of affairs in technical education, the future of nuclear energy, the state of affairs in robotics and scientific developments surrounding covid-19. Do not hesitate and register now for a free exhibition visit to the World of Technology & Science 2002.


Challenges of the Internet of Things (Seminar)

On September 27, we will kick off the trade show with a seminar on the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT plays an increasingly important role in consumer and industrial applications. There are many practical benefits and risks regarding online security and privacy. During the seminar, six experts will update you on IoT challenges and how you can overcome them.

Jan Vonk (Betronic) opens the seminar with a lecture on practical and financial aspects of IoT applications for businesses. Using a real-life example, he discusses the considerations that influence IoT decision-making. During his presentation, Arco Snoey of TOP-electronics will introduce a battery with an exceptionally long life cycle, which means that you may never have to replace a battery of an IoT device again!

If you are interested in tracking objects and even people via IoT, you should definitely visit Mathias Laursen's lecture. He lectures on behalf of C.N. Rood about the pros and cons of tracking via the ultra-wideband. The seminar will be closed by Douwe Schoenmakers from Arcobel & Thomas Brekelmans from Anyware. Schoenmakers will explain how the deployment of IoT can remedy the labor and knowledge shortage in the railroad industry.

Telerex and Althen will also provide a lecture, but the topics are currently unknown. Chairman Herman Tuininga, director of Salland Electronics, will host the seminar and introduce the speakers. In short: it will be an inspiring morning that you don’t want to miss!

Admission to the lectures is free for WoTS visitors, but you have to register for a free visit first.  For more information on the seminar:


Innovative Companies at the Test and Measurement pavilion 

The Test and Measurement pavilion at the World of Electronics hosts six companies that offer equipment, solutions, or training. The companies specialize in testing and measuring electronics in all phases of the production process: from creative testing during the design phase to functional measurements before production starts. You will also gain insight into CE testing before a market introduction, testing and measurement of wireless applications, and environmental testing.

The widely available expertise makes the pavilion of interest for anyone who wants to learn more about developments and trends in this field. You will even have the opportunity to present your own test challenges to the exhibitors. A unique opportunity to gain knowledge from top test and measurement specialists!

The pavilion is very close to the area where the seminars are organized. You can easily combine a visit to the pavilion with a visit to the T&M seminar that will take place on 28 September in the World of Electronics.

Click here for an overview of the six participating companies.

Register now for a visit to the exhibition at: Registration is free of charge.