Soldermask: Expedition with yellow light!

Soldermask: Expedition with yellow light! Door: Eurocircuits N.V.

Expedition with yellow light ???

On this TechnologyThursday, we will enter the yellow light room in PCB production.

In the yellow light room, the PCB is coated with light-sensitive solder resist. Only certain areas remain free of the solder resist; typically the connections where the components are later soldered to the PCB.

The yellow light filters out the UV components from the normal white light and ensures the quality of the solder mask during application. The solder resist remains in a uniform, liquid state until it is specifically activated and cured by UV exposure at the required areas.??

After exposure and curing, the solder resist forms a solid coating that protects the copper conductor tracks from oxidation, dirt and mechanical damage. Secondly, the solder resist prevents solder from sticking to unwanted areas and solder bridges from forming.

?This video explains two methods for applying the solder resist:

?The solder resist also gives the PCB its colour. The most common colour is green solder mask, but black, blue, red or white is also common.

We explained why green solder resist is the most common in an earlier chapter. Did you miss that part?

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