Energie van zonnepanelen en windturbines wordt via grid-connected vermogenselektronica in het elektriciteitsnet gepompt of kan lokaal in een accu opgeslagen worden. Maar hoe werkt nu zo’n grid-connected omvormer, hoe werkt synchronisatie, waarom ontstaan er harmonischen en waarom loopt er ondanks alle isolatie toch een lekstroom uit het zonnepaneel?
Simulation Research Caspoc
Simulation Research specializes in powerful EDA software with a specific focus on power electronics design and simulation. Simulation Research products are used by leading companies in a diverse range of industries including; aerospace, electronic, industrial and automotive.
CASPOC is used by design engineers to simulate various circuit, component, machine and load characteristics on the computer thus reducing design and prototyping costs and boosting productivity.
CASPOC is used in the design and simulation of complex power and control devices and systems such as: Switch Mode Power Supplies, Rectifiers, DC Converters, AC Converters, Vector Controls, Power Engineering and UPS in such industries as: Aerospace, Automotive, Utility, Industrial, Commercial Electronics, Transportation and more…
Email: info@caspoc.com
Website: http://www.caspoc.com