Axel Semrau GmbH

For more than 40 years AxelSemrau has stood for sample preparation and chromatography. With this wealth of experience, new developments have been created under the CHRONECT brand since 2010. The own hardware and software or those of well-known manufacturers become entire workstations for efficient automation of complete laboratory processes. Sample preparation can stand alone or can be combined directly with analytical instruments. These CHRONECT workstations are based on specialist knowledge in the fields of food, cosmetics, environment, air and water.

The control, from weighing to the result, is carried out completely via the CHRONOS master software. CHRONOS is the master of time, which interleaves work processes in a time-efficient manner. This has led to many reliable solutions for the routine, since the focus is always on the daily work routine: precision, time savings and convenience for laboratory personnel are in the foreground.

All workstations are first pre-installed and tested in the company's own laboratory (Factory Acceptance Test). The system is not shipped until this has been completed. The test is repeated in the customer lab (Site Acceptance Test). This shortens the installation time at customer's site and the device is immediately ready for use. With this concept, the company is enjoying worldwide success.

Therefore, it can be proudly said: "We sense good chemistry!" As "Part of the Trajan Family", the company has been continuing on this path since November 2021 in order to exploit synergies both nationally and internationally.

Naw gegevens

Axel Semrau GmbH
Stefansbecke 42
45549 Sprockhövel

Tel: +49 2339 12090

De heer G. Schröder
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Het LabAutomation event geeft handvaten om zelf aan de slag te gaan met laboratoriumautomatisering. Experts tonen innovatieve methoden, geven praktische tips & trucs en delen strategieën waarmee u uw eigen automatiseringsdoelstellingen kunt behalen. Vooraanstaande leveranciers tonen hun innovaties en bieden praktische oplossingen. De volgende editie vindt plaats op 19 maart 2024 in Congrescentrum 1931 in Den Bosch.

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