Analyze the frequency spectrum, determine accurately the signal value
and characteristics became of critical importance in our modern world. Among the most popular and versatile of all measurement tool, the spectrum analyzer measures the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency. By contrast, the vector signal analyzer measures the magnitude and phase of an input signal within the analyzer’s intermediate-frequency bandwidth. The architecture of a spectrum/signal analyzer is quite established, based on a super-heterodyne receiver that detect the signal and process it. However, we are now reaching the limit in term of analog performance with all the key specifications like noise and distortion close to the physical limits. As well this architecture does not perform very well with modern signals that are becoming more complex in term of information and occupied bandwidth. A new measurement approach is needed to overcome the hardware limitation and being able to characterize the most challenging signals. In this speech we will look at this new approach, detailing the architectural change and analyzing pro and cons of this novel technology.
Gustaaf Sutorius, Keysight Technologies
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