Construction and dismantling

Construction times free standbuilding

Wednesday 18 September 07.00 – 22.00 uur
Thursday19 September 07.00 – 22.00 uur
Friday 20 September 07.00 – 22.00 uur
Saturday 21 September 07.00 – 22.00 uur
Sunday 22 September 07.00 – 22.00 uur
Monday 23 September 07.00 – 18.00 uur (furnishing of the stand only)

Furnishing days standard standbuilding (basis or professional)

Sunday 22 September 07.00 – 22.00 uur
Monday 23 September 07.00 – 18.00 uur

Dismantling times

Friday 27 September 15.30 – 23.00 uur (The area is closed at 23.00)
Saturday 28 September 07.00 – 23.00 uur (The area is closed at 23.00)
Sunday 29 September 07.00 – 17.00 uur

Please note that at all times the a area is closed at 11 p.m. and you must leave with your vehicle.

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