The preparation for a successful exhibition participation

Exhibition training Wednesday 11 September 2024

including lunch and networking drinks

Location: FHI, Leusderend 12 in Leusden


Take on the role of the exhibition visitor, what do you have to offer and what do you want to radiate?

We look forward to a beautiful edition of the World of Industry, Technology & Science! To meet and provide a platform for the latest technologies, innovations, solutions and tools.

To make the fair as successful as possible and to get the most out of your exhibition participation, we organize inspiring exhibition trainingPlease note that the training will be held in Dutch.

The visitor’s approach is central to this exhibition training. Why would the visitor come to your stand and not to the neighbor’s? Who are you and what makes you enthusiastic, where are the starting points for a conversation and how do you find it? It can also be exciting for a visitor to approach you, how can you lower that ‘ threshold ’ by starting an informal conversation? And what can you do during the conversation to ensure that the visitor becomes a (potential) customer?

In the training we mainly really go to work, so you have time to immediately discuss things, think out and put them on paper for your exhibition participation

The following topics are discussed in the exhibition training, among others:

  • The power of good preparation
  • Formulating your objectives
  • How you determine what you want to radiate as an organization
  • Lucifer pitch: from visitor to qualified lead
  • How to start an informal conversation from enthusiasm and hospitality
  • How you work towards your objectives from an informal conversation
  • Why the cooperation and feedback between colleagues on the stand is so important
  • ‘ Push ’ and ‘ pull ’, when a follow-up appointment makes more sense than ‘ pushing through ’ in the conversation on the stand.

Target group
Anyone who is (partly) responsible for the success of exhibition participation.

Registration and costs
You can register by sending an email to The participation costs for member companies of FHI, FEDA and / or Machevo & Bulk are per person € 199, – excluding VAT. If your organization is not a member of FHI, FEDA and / or Machevo & Bulk, the participation costs are € 349, – excluding VAT per person.

Note: After registration with the training, the costs are always charged, even if canceled. It is possible to register a replacement participant.

Program Wednesday 11 September 2024

09.45 am Doors open
10.00 am Introduction
10.30 am What is your visitor looking for? –pitch
12.00 pm Lunch break
12.45 pm A pleasant conversation – enthusiasm and hospitality
14.30 pm Break
14.45 pm From visitor to (potential) customer
16.00 pm Closing drinks


This training will be held by:

Hielke Dijkstra
