The Mitsubishi LV100-type T-series 2.0kV IGBT Module will reduce size and power consumption of DC1500V converters including renewable-energy types.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced that it will begin shipping samples of its LV100-type T-series 2.0kV insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) Module for industrial use this May. The new power-semiconductor product is expected to downsize and reduce the power consumption of power-conversion equipment for use with renewable-energy sources. Also, the product will be exhibited at major trade shows, including Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM) Europe 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany from May 10 to 12.
Product Features:
1) IGBT module with 2.0kV withstand voltage will downsize DC1500V power converters
– The new 2.0kV-rated IGBT simplifies the design of DC1500V-rated power converters, including for renewable-energy power sources, which are difficult to design using conventional 1.7kV-rated IGBTs.
2) 7th-generation IGBT and RFC diode reduce power loss in power converters
– Latest (seventh-generation) IGBT with CSTBTTM3 structure and RFC diode optimized for high withstand voltage are suitable for high-voltage, lower-power-loss applications.
3) Industrial LV100-type package will increase capacity of power-conversion systems
– The terminal layout is optimized for easy paralleling and flexible inverter configurations and capacities.
– Three AC main terminals help to spread and equalize current density for increased inverter capacity.
– Integrating the structure’s insulated and copper-base parts and optimizing the internal electrode structure increases thermal cycle life4 and lowers package inductance for enhanced reliability.
Datasheet is available in this link.
If you want more information or if you have any questions about this product, please contact Nijkerk Electronics!