Team Roboticus - RobocupJunior Champions
Team Roboticus took part in the Dutch National Championship RobocupJunior! The tournament showcased a variety of impressive robots...
Team Roboticus took part in the Dutch National Championship RobocupJunior! The tournament showcased a variety of impressive robots...
De nieuwe ThinCert® 96 well HTS-insert is het optimale hulpmiddel voor wetenschappers die weefselmodellen (bijv. Endothelia en epi...
Jaarlijks ontwikkelt Rennschmiede Pforzheim zijn eigen racewagen om deel te nemen aan de Formula Student. (© Rennschmiede Pforzhei...
Meet Hyperloop UPV! They are developing hyperloop technology and creating an innovative vehicle every year to compete in the Europ...
Resourcemanagement in de medische sector Grote medische instellingen hebben een enorme verscheidenheid aan apparatuur tot hun b...
magnecko is a student team of engineering students from ETH Zurich. Two electrical engineers and six mechanical engineers build a ...