How a total workflow approach to sample prep can help analytical labs to optimize their elemental analysis

25 september 2024, 13:00 - 14:00

LOCATIE: Seminarzaal in World of Laboratory (hal 7)

As the performance of atomic spectroscopy techniques for elemental analysis has improved over the past several decades, there has been a concurrent need for improvements in sample preparation. While the sample digestion step appropriately draws the most attention in the preparation process, there are other important steps in the sample preparation workflow that also impact the outcomes of the laboratory, some of which may be unexpected in scope and scale.

This seminar presents a ‘total workflow’ approach to sample preparation and examines ways to improve key aspects of elemental analysis such as lab throughput, data quality, costs, and safety. Just as importantly, it also offers practical advice for preventing workflow disruptions, such as incomplete digestions or sample contamination, which can prevent a laboratory from meeting their overall performance, cost, and safety goals.

The presentation includes methods for acid purification, automated reagent addition, vessel handling, microwave digestion, sample filtering, and labware cleaning.

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Start & eindtijd Activiteit
13:00 - 14:00

This session is hosted by SALM EN KIPP. 
